
The 受害者主张 Unit of the 利昂县警长’s Office was established in 1995 and aims to be the first source of help to victims of crime. As advocates it is our goal to provide the best possible service to those in need. 犯罪的受害者 权利 太. This unit is available on a 24 hour basis to respond to the needs of victims of crime in 利县 and is often one of the first to respond to a crime scene to assist victims and survivors.


Marsy’s Law is an amendment to the 状态’s constitution that protects and expands the legal 权利 of victims. 根据马西定律, 作为犯罪受害者, you have the right to request that your personal information remain confidential

利昂县警长’s Office has provided a link below to a form you can complete to submit your request to prevent disclosure of personal information.

下载马西定律 请在此请求防止披露.

  1. Fairness and respect - The right to due process and to be treated with fairness and respect for the victim’s dignity.
  2. Freedom from intimidation - The right to be free from intimidation, harassment and abuse.
  3. Protection from the defendant - To be reasonably protected from the defendant and persons acting on behalf of the defendant.
  4. Victim safety considerations in settings bail and release condition - To have the safety of the victim and victim’s family considered in fixing the amount of bail and release conditions for the defendant.
  5. The prevention of the disclosure of confidential information - to prevent the disclosure of information or records that could be used to locate confidential or privileged information of the victim.
  6. 公开诉讼的通知和出席-要合理, 准确及时的通知, and be present at all public proceedings involving the criminal conduct including, 但不限于审判, 请, 量刑或裁定.
  7. Appearance at court proceedings - The right to be heard in any public proceeding involving pretrial or other release from any form of legal constraint, 请求判决, 裁定, 或假释, and any proceeding during which a right of the victim is implicated, 包括初次亮相.
  8. 财产 return - The right to the prompt return of the victims property when no longer needed as evidence in the case.
  9. Restitution - The right to full and timely restitution in ever case and from each convicted offender for all losses suffered both directly and indirectly by the victim as a result of the criminal conduct.
  10. Speedy trial and prompt conclusion of the case - The right to a speedy trial and prompt and final conclusion of the case and any related post-judgment proceedings.
  11. Information about these 权利 - Florida Constitution Article 1, Section 16. fs 960

The 执法 受害者主张 is often one of the first to respond to a crime scene to assist victims and survivors. During this critical time victims may experience a wide range of feelings and emotions.


  • 提供情感和精神上的支持
  • 进行现场危机干预和悲伤 & 丧亲咨询
  • Act as a liaison between victim, deputies, detectives, and community-based 年龄ncies
  • 查明并告知受害者法律赋予他们的权利
  • Educate law enforcement and victims of new laws pertaining to specific victimization
  • Provide information about professional 咨询 and support groups
  • Offer assistance with filing crime victim’s compensation to help with lost w年龄s, 医疗, 咨询, 丧葬费用
  • Help prepare victims for court injunction hearings, provide court advocacy and accompaniment
  • Provide transport to court, referrals to emergency shelter, and safety planning. 协助受害者取得行动电话,以应付911紧急情况


受害者是遭受直接或威胁身体的人, 情感, 或者由于别人的行为而造成的经济损失, 这是一种犯罪.


  • 协助受害者为911紧急事件提供移动电话.
  • 危机干预,悲痛和丧亲辅导
  • 通过刑事司法系统提供支持
  • 社区信息和推荐
  • 协助提交犯罪受害人赔偿
  • 安全计划
  • 协助执行家庭暴力禁令
  • 提供前往法庭和紧急避难所的交通工具.


The 受害者主张 Unit in the 利昂县警长办公室 aims to be the first source of help to victims of crime. As advocates it is our goal to provide the best possible service to those in need. 犯罪的受害者也有权利.

  1. 有关现有危机干预服务的信息, 支持性或丧亲咨询, 社区受害者治疗方案, the availability of crime protection services and crime victim compensation.
  2. Information about the role of the victim in the criminal 司法系统, the st年龄s in the criminal and juvenile justice process which are of significance to a crime victim, 以及获得这些信息的方式.
  3. Information concerning steps that are available to 执法 Officers and State Attorneys to protect victims and witnesses from intimidation.
  4. Advance notification of judicial and post-judicial proceedings which relate to the offender's arrest, 发布或社区工作发布, provided that the victim gives the 州检察官办公室 her/his current name and address.
  5. 在重罪或杀人罪中, consultation by the 州检察官办公室 to obtain the views of the victim or in the case of a minor child, the guardian or the victim's family regarding the release of the accused, 认罪协议, 参与审前分流方案, 以及对被告的判决.
  6. Return of the victim's property collected by 执法 or the 州检察官办公室 for evidentiary purposes.
  7. 执法部门或州检察官办公室的协助, 应受害者要求, to inform the victim's employer about necessary absences from work, and to explain to the victim's creditors about serious financial hardship incurred as a result of the crime.
  8. Request restitution from the offender for certain out-of-pocket losses. The State Attorney shall inform the victim if and when restitution is ordered.
  9. 口头提交受害人影响陈述, 或者写下来, 致法官, 在认罪的罪犯被判刑之前, 无罪申诉, 或者被判重罪.
  10. Information concerning the escape of the offender from a 状态 correctional institution, 县监狱, 少年拘留所, 或者非自愿收容设施.
  11. Accompaniment by a victim advocate during any deposition of the victim or testimony of the victim of a sexual offense.
  12. Request HIV testing of the person charged with committing any sexual offense (under F.S. 794 or 800.(涉及体液传播). HIV test results shall be disclosed to the victim or the victim's legal guardian, 如果受害者是未成年人.
  13. Prompt and timely disposition of the court case (as long as this right does not interfere with the constitutional 权利 of the accused).
  14. 对于未成年人, if the victim or any sibling of the victim and the offender attend the same school, the victim and their siblings have the right to request that the offender be required to attend a different school.
  15. A victim of a sexual offense shall be informed of the right to have the courtroom cleared of certain persons as provided in s. 918.16, F.S.,当受害者就该罪行作证时.
  16. The victims of domestic violence shall be provided with information regarding the address confidentiality program as provided in s. 741.465 F.S.

The Florida Department of Corrections offers a toll-free automated inmate information and notification service, 每日受害者资讯及通知(VINE), 全天24小时都有服务, seven days a week to provide victims of crime continuous access concerning and inmate's custody status. Anyone may call the toll-free number 1-877-VINE-4-FL (1-877-846-3435) and receive an inmate's current location and tentative release date. 受害者 may also register to receive an automated notification when an inmate is released, 转移, 逃, 被安置在工作释放设施, 转移到另一个司法管辖区, 被警局收押, 或者在拘留期间死亡. VINE服务是匿名和保密的.

查找违规者或登记通知, you must call the VINE service at 1-877-VINE-4-FL (1-877-846-3435) from any touch-tone telephone and follow the instructions given by the system.

VINE服务将继续尝试联系您. If t在这里 is no answer or the line is busy, VINE will continue to call every half hour for 48 hours. VINE会在答录机上留言, but will continue to call until a PIN is entered to stop the notification calls. VINE calls automatically when an offender's custody status changes.

The PIN (Personal Identification Number) is a four-digit number that you create that you will use to stop notification calls from VINE. Entering your correct PIN and pressing the # button on your telephone is the only way to confirm and stop VINE notification calls.

是的. 你的家人, friends and other concerned persons may also check on offender information and register for notification. 每次注册都是单独的,需要一个PIN.

Guidelines For Fair Treatment of 受害者 And Witnesses In The Criminal Justice System

受害者, 包括凶案受害者的近亲, 有知情权吗, 在场, and to be heard when relevant at all crucial st年龄s of a criminal proceeding, to the extent that this right does not interfere with the constitutional 权利 of the accused. 如果是未成年人, the victim's parent or guardian and the next of kin of a homicide victim is given notificatio

司法系统. 受害者, 包括凶案受害者的近亲, 有知情权吗, 在场, and to be heard when relevant at all crucial st年龄s of a criminal proceeding, to the extent that this right does not interfere with the constitutional 权利 of the accused. The implementation of fs 960 is the cornerstone of ensuring that these 权利 for victims are met.

Offenders in the Florida Department of Corrections (State Prison System), 佛罗里达青少年司法部门, and Florida County Detention Facilities (including the 利县 拘留所) will be included in the VINE service.

有关受害者服务和VINE计划的更多信息, 请 visit the State of Florida Department of Corrections website at: http://www.dc.state.fl.us/vict/index.html

下载 马西法-要求防止披露 form 在这里.


  • 受害者的倡导者
  • 紧急
  • 利昂县警长办公室
  • 塔拉哈西警察局
  • 避难所的房子
  • 211大弯热线
  • 州检察官办公室


