
这个项目为孩子们提供了一个地方来看望目前被关押在莱昂县拘留所的父母, child-friendly environment. 该项目促进了孩子与父母分享阅读时间,并允许父母提供积极的反馈和对这种经历的认可. 监督家长可以选择一本适合孩子年龄的书,由警长办公室通过图书馆提供. The child not only receives the experience of reading to their parent, but also book ownership they may not normally experience. 参观结束后,孩子可以保留这本书(免费)作为参观的提醒. 这次访问也让这家人接触到图书馆的其他服务.


  • 为孩子们提供一个安全,舒适的环境去看望他们被监禁的父母
  • 让孩子与被监禁的父母分享他们通常不会分享的经历
  • Provides a visit to a local library that may not normally occur
  • 提供对它们不知道可用性的其他库程序的访问
  • Provides access and ownership of educational books
  • 与被监禁的父母共度美好时光
  • Promotes a love for reading and learning
  • Helps develop the child’s brain, 专注能力, 浓度, social skills and communication skills
  • 帮助孩子发展基本的语言技能,并深刻扩展他们的词汇量
  • 为高质量的时间提供了一个门户,这在传统的访问过程中目前是不可用的
  • 研究表明,家中书籍越多,家中未成年孩子的教育水平就越高
  • 研究发现,大量的“书籍沙漠”集中在美国各地的低收入社区.S.——在一个社区,多达830名儿童只能分享一本书.能否获得足够的资源是造成美国教育不平等的最大因素之一.
  • 51% of students across the nation’s public schools are low income; coming to school without even their basic needs met and under extreme stress.再加上父母被监禁的压力只会放大压力.


  • Allows the parent to share in a common family experience
  • 让家长参与促进孩子的阅读和学习
  • 促进与他们的孩子和被监禁的父母进行安全,积极的家庭访问
  • 提供通过图书馆访问其他家庭服务,这些服务可能通常不为人所知或访问
  • Encour年龄s the parent to read more to their child outside the visit
  • Encour年龄s the parent to personally read more

Incarcerated 父母的好处

  • 允许父母与孩子分享他们通常不分享的经历
  • Provides quality time with their child with the purpose of the visit
  • 让家长参与促进孩子的阅读和学习
  • 发展父母与孩子的关系,并展示共同的父母技能
  • 改善父母重返家庭和社区的团聚过程
  • Provides a positive, healthy experience while being incarcerated


Video visitation is available by appointment only. 视频访问用户可以通过Securus Technologies安排预约,但必须至少提前24小时预约.

Sessions are controlled and monitored by Securus Technologies. Visitors must comply with the LeRoy Collins 利县 Public Library Code of Conduct 和 利昂县警长's Office Video Visitation Rules.



星期一:下午3点.m. – 6:00 p.m.
星期二:下午3点.m. – 8:00 p.m. 
星期四:下午3点.m. – 8:00 p.m. 
星期六:上午11点.m. – 4:00 p.m. 
周日:下午2点.m. – 5:00 p.m.

This program is closed on 利县 holidays. Find the holiday schedule 在这里.


Before your scheduled video visitation, talk to your children about what to expect during the session. Let them know w在这里 they will be going, 访问将持续多长时间,在此期间他们将与父母一起做些什么. Saying goodbye at the end can be tough on young children, 所以让他们放心,他们以后可以再来图书馆进行视频访问.


视频访问室位于LeRoy Collins Leon县主图书馆的三楼, at 200 West Park Avenue. Please arrive 15 minutes before your scheduled visit.

When you arrive at the 利县 Main Library, 乘电梯或楼梯到三楼,在那里你会被一个友好的图书管理员欢迎你进入这个空间. Children then select the book they would like to read with their loved one. When the session begins, 孩子们和他们被监禁的父母可以互相大声朗读这本书, which helps bridge conversation gaps, provides a focus for both parent and child, and encour年龄s recreational reading skill development. A selection of books by reading level are available, 孩子们可以在参观结束时把这本书带回家作为纪念品.
